Sunday, April 15, 2012

skinny skinny black coffee organic body scrub review

Body Scrub Series Product #2 Review

skinny skinny black coffee organic body scrub review

As I mentioned in a previous post, I was selected to try and review 4 different body scrubs for Self magazine recently. The product review and winners are in this months issue, on stands now! How exciting it was to be selected to try out these products. I felt like a total celebrity when UPS delivered my box o' scrubs! Now, I want to share with you the best of the best...and the Not so Best. :)

The second of the scrubs that I tried was the skinny skinny black coffee organic Body scrub.
Here is a little of skinny skinny product information directly from their website:
" It's made from freshly ground fair trade and organic coffee beans that were specifically selected for their aroma. This organic scrub gently removes the dull, dry skin to reveal all that softness underneath. This ultra-concentrated scrub is made with certified organic oils that leave your skin radiant and refreshed.
Apply a small amount to your skin (avoiding the face and neck) and rub in a circular motion. Rinse. It's that easy.
Vegan and Cruelty-Free, of course!"

As I am an avid coffee drinker, I couldn't wait to give this a try. Of course, drinking it is NOT an option, but the aroma of coffee always puts me in high spirits. This is a perfect scrub to use in the morning to wake yourself up and get the day started.  Ingredients include: fair trade ground coffee, turbinado sugar, virgin coconut oil, jojoba oil, sesame oil, coffee essential oil. This product is certified organic 100%.

The scrub is abrasive and that equals success for me. It is a very aromatic, uplifting body scrub that is coarse and does exactly what it is supposed to do. For me, this is an excellent scrub for my feet. My heels are always calloused and after an intense scrubbing session with skinny skinny's black coffee scrub, they feel as though they belong in Cinderella's glass slippers.
I only had one small drawback to using this scrub. Unlike other scrubs, which are generally light in color, it is very dark and is messy. My shower looked like I had a party with the coffee filter. However, this is only a MINOR setback because a little water washes it right away.

Skinny skinny boasts about the fact that this product is Vegan and Cruelty-free. I am an advocate for use of Cruelty-free products, so that makes me feel a little better about using it. Also , the label is biodegradable. How many products can really say that?

Pricing is a little high. $30 for a 9 ounce size. However, this will last a fairly long time, depending on the frequency of use. Also, so many more things go into make such an exceptional product, so sometimes price is higher on a better quality product.

You can go directly to their website to order if you are interested in giving it a try.'s the "skinny skinny" on the Scientific Method rating system:

Product: 4.5 Stars out of 5
Price: 3 Stars out of 5
Would recommend to friends: 5 out of 5 Stars!

I would definitely recommend this product to friends: Great product and exceptional environmental standards. The price is a little steep, but definitely worth the price.

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